Math Grader Request

Please complete the form below if you would like the School of Mathematics to hire a grader for your course. You may not hire a grader for a course that has a TA or a LA.

If you already have a grader in mind for your course, please note that we must certify his/her eligibility before he/she may begin grading for you. If you have not yet found a grader, then in most cases, we should be able to find a grader for you from our applicants. However, especially in upper level or graduate courses, you may sometimes need to find a grader of your own if there are no qualified applicants. If a grader can be found for you, we will notify you with all the necessary information during the first two weeks of classes each term.

If you wish to request a grader for multiple courses, please fill out a separate application for each course.

Due to budgetary concerns, grader hours are closely monitored. Grader hours/pay rates are as follows:

Undergraduate courses numbered 3000 or lower: $11.00 per hour, for a number of hours up to the number of students enrolled, subject to a maximum of 60 total hours per semester, with the exception of large enrollments in Math 1522, 3012, 3215, or 3670. (For example, a grader for a class with 60 or more students can earn up to: $11.00 x 60 hours = $660 for the semester.)

Undergraduate courses numbered 4000: $13.00 per hour, for a number of hours up to three halves the number of students enrolled, subject to a maximum of 60 total hours per semester. (For example, a grader for a 4000 level class with 40 or more students can earn up to: $13.00 x 1.5 x 40 hours = $780 for the semester.)

Graduate courses: $15.00 per hour, for a number of hours up to twice the number of students enrolled, subject to a maximum of 60 total hours per semester. (For example, a grader for a graduate class with 30 or more students can earn up to: $15.00 x 2 x 30 hours = $900 for the semester.)

i.e. 1111
i.e. College Algebra