CAC - Single Presenter Abstract Submission

Plenary Sessions

Spoken papers for the plenary sessions must be given by an individual with a doctoral degree (e.g., PhD). The submission must be accompanied by a 250 word (maximum) proposal summary.

Overview Talks: Overview talks are designed to give a summary of the theme of the plenary session. An overview talk should be 35 minutes in length with 5 minutes for questions.

Plenary Session Talks: Each talk will be allotted 15 minutes to present with 5 minutes for questions.

Poster Sessions

Over 90% of individual presentations are given in poster format. The poster submission must be accompanied by a 250 word (maximum) proposal summary.

All posters will be assigned a spot in the main ballroom.

Each poster will have a 48″ x 48″ (122 x 122 cm) space for display. Push pins are provided.

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